2015年10月29日 星期四









Tina 介紹Amelia Earhart

11/5 語資班校外教學(電影欣賞---小王子)


英文版   The Little Prince
中文版  小王子


欣賞「小王子」時,有孩子數度落淚,也有人一時之間說不出複雜的感覺,即將畢業的你,未來想要成為甚麼樣的人呢? 每個人心中都有一個小王子,在展翅飛翔之際,期望你們都能永保一顆赤子之心。

2015年10月28日 星期三


A Great Trip   
by Serena
  Today was a nice day. My dad decided to take us to catch the wind. We were so happy and expected to get there quickly.
  Finally, Dad drove us to catch the wind. Along the way, the views were really great! I liked to take pictures of this beautiful scenery from cameras and phones. We continued going. “Hey everyone, look at that! ” My mom spoke loudly to us, but I was sleeping at that moment. I woke up slowly and looked in Mom’s direction. My eyes shined, WOW!
  There was a family of monkeys sitting on the stones and eating some pineapples! They were really cute. Many visitors stopped there and took pictures of the monkeys. The monkeys were not afraid of the humans. They just stayed there eating food and watching people moving around.
   I think monkeys are a kind of smart animal. They are really adorable!

Baseball Game
by Serena
  Today was a nice day. My dad took us to a baseball game. My brother and I were really excited to go to the baseball stadium. I love watching ball games because the players are really good.
  The weather was sunny and really hot. Mom even said that she didn’t want to go out of the house, but the game was going to start, and we went anyway. The famous ”sister” singer, Hsieh Chin-Yen, threw the first pitch of the game. Everyone was really ”high”!
  The game started. The pitcher threw the ball: ”Kang!” It was a homerun! Every baseball fan cheered! We were all excited. But the opponent continued getting points. Our team couldn’t stop their offense. When the game ended, we lost. I thought it was OK because next time we can win! Although my team lost, we still love Lamigo! Let’s go, Lamigo!

六年級人物傳記報告(Biography Report)

Biography Report

Disneyland's 60th Anniversary

Disneyland’s 60th Anniversary

1. 介紹華德·迪士尼生平事蹟 Walt Disney Creator of Disneyland
